Eyal's Flowers supports the physically disabled, in both medical and non-medical needs, otherwise not covered by medical benefits.
Ira Podell
Eyal's Flowers helped contribute funds in order for Ira to obtain a ramp at his sister's home. This not only allows him to visit family, but also frees him from the confines of his own home.
Ira grew up in Cherry Hill. He graduated from Hofstra University in 1991.Soon after, he was hired by Associated Press in their New York City Sports office. He eventually became the National Hockey writer. During this time he covered both Summer and Winter Olympics as well several Stanley Cup Finals Series. In April, 2015 he suffered a seizure while on his way to work. It was determined that he had a Meningioma. While this was removed, he suffered a massive stroke 8 days after surgery. He now lives in the home that he grew up in that was adapted to his physical needs. He has made tremendous strides, but his family and friends continue to hope for more.
Below is a letter from Ira.
"Just a note to say thank you for the very generous grant from Eyal's Flowers- Eyal Sherman Foundation . The ramp has been a major help in making life at least a little bit more normal and regular and helping me get out of the house often to go to my sister’s house, and see more than the same four walls at home. This is such a wonderful way to honor Eyal’s memory."
Ira Podell
Eyal's Flowers helped contribute funds in order for Ira to obtain a ramp at his sister's home. This not only allows him to visit family, but also frees him from the confines of his own home.
Ira grew up in Cherry Hill. He graduated from Hofstra University in 1991.Soon after, he was hired by Associated Press in their New York City Sports office. He eventually became the National Hockey writer. During this time he covered both Summer and Winter Olympics as well several Stanley Cup Finals Series. In April, 2015 he suffered a seizure while on his way to work. It was determined that he had a Meningioma. While this was removed, he suffered a massive stroke 8 days after surgery. He now lives in the home that he grew up in that was adapted to his physical needs. He has made tremendous strides, but his family and friends continue to hope for more.
Below is a letter from Ira.
"Just a note to say thank you for the very generous grant from Eyal's Flowers- Eyal Sherman Foundation . The ramp has been a major help in making life at least a little bit more normal and regular and helping me get out of the house often to go to my sister’s house, and see more than the same four walls at home. This is such a wonderful way to honor Eyal’s memory."

Micah Peltz
Eyal's Flowers is proud to present a grant to Micah Peltz, of Los Angeles, CA. Micah is a non-verbal, autsitic young man with a heart of gold. This summer, with the support of Eyal's Flowers, Micah was able to work with Jake Weiner, a trainer with ZOOZ Fitness, who trains special needs individuals in movement.
After six sessions with Jake, Micah's mom wrote to Eyal's Flowers, "I am amazed that he is doing so many things that he was never able to do before."
Eyal's Flowers allows the impossible to become possible, allows families to dream and live again. We are so proud of Micah and look forward to improving the lives of so many more!
"Jake has been working with Micah for a few weeks on improving his physical fitness in the areas of balance, core strength, motor planning, and various dynamic movements. Eyal's Flowers - The Eyal Sherman Foundation, graciously awarded Micah with the opportunity to experience and train with Jake Weiner from ZOOZ Fitness. ZOOZ Fitness creates fitness and wellness programs for individuals of ALL ABILITIES. When Micah first started training with Jake, he seemed to immediately show a level of skill when performing different exercises, however, attention and focus were sometimes more difficult for Micah.
Over the past few weeks of training, Micah has shown improvements in his ability to stay on task for a given amount of time, his eagerness to learn new exercises, his fitness work capacity, and his overall excitement each and every week while exercising. Micah continues to train hard while learning such exercises as two-foot jumps, overhead press with slams using a medicine ball, rotational movements, stability ball work, and so much more. Jake is eager to continue working with Micah and see how he improves."